Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Millennial Disconnect

So I'm in that awkward stage of generations where I'm not quite an '80s baby, but I wasn't a '90s child either. I remember not having cell phones and I love being "off the grid." Yet I embrace new technology with anticipation and excitement. Growing up, I've always gotten along with those older than me and had very few friends younger than me. What makes me laugh is that "scientists" or "modern anthropologists" have tried to give my generation so many names. Yet none of them seem to really define any of us, do they? So whether we are generation XY or Millennials or whatever the names may be this day, I do see a common thread among all of us...a disconnect from reality.

There are many blog posts out there and talk show figures that lament over the bloggers and social media posters that sit in their underwear and type their opinions onto a computer screen and post them to see the world. What always makes me laugh is if they are complaining about people wearing underwear, those talk heads have bigger issues. :) I personally like wearing underwear while writing thank you very much.

All kidding aside, I understand their concerns. Many of the opinions on the web lack the "reality" that is needed to have common sense behind some of these opinions. I never thought I would become that older, cynical girl who wonders if a youngster has what it takes to work in the "real world." Yet I became that women as I sat at the Dallas Aggie Muster Ceremony and I heard all the accolades of the recipients of the scholarship recipients. I once had an outstanding resume in high school like many of these kids. It didn't mean squat once I reached college and failed my physics classes. It REALLY didn't mean anything when I had to go find a real job and work hard with a team of highly varied personalities. I sat through that ceremony and wondered, "Would I hire them for any of my internships?" Sadly, just based on what I heard, the answer was no.

It is easy to get cynical, especially in the ministry I am involved in, when most people think being involved with human trafficking means drawing a red X on your hand and posting it to social media. I used to walk around campus without shoes to support the work of TOMS. But what difference was I actually making besides picking up all the dirt around College Station? I frequently tell students it's not about a hashtag or wearing a specific bracelet. I want to know what work are you actually doing that makes a direct difference in the lives you wish to impact? Are you going and presenting to churches? Are they coming back with resources? Are you going into brothels and ministering to the women where you are? Are you raising money? Are you going on a mission trip? Does it come up in normal conversation with others because it is actually something so close to your heart?

I don't want to criticize anyone for not doing any of these things because I know that God hasn't called everyone to it. Some of you are supposed to be mothers and fathers. Some of you are supposed to focus on school, or your current job or any other social issue that God has placed on your heart. But what I think we all need to learn is that once God has placed something in your heart and called you to reach out to those he wants to reach, it is up to you to actually put in the effort.

The millennial effect is to say, "Sure God" but only put forth the effort that doesn't dramatically affect your current everyday schedule. The disconnect is to think that if you post it on social media or put together a "movement day" that you are having a direct impact on the people God is calling you to reach. It's the equivalent of the rich man who wanted to follow Jesus. But when Jesus told him he would have to sell all his possessions, he ended up not following him as a disciple. Many of us love our comfort more than we love our Christ and we allow that to keep us from doing the work he has called us to do.

So if you're being called to human trafficking, I got a spot for you haha. If you are being called to another aspect of ministry, go to it with all haste. But don't get sucked into the idea of the Millennial Disconnect. Don't allow the idea that you are entitled to comfort while serving your God to keep you from the impact he actually wants to make on the world through you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Group vs. Solo Running

Group photo from Social Running's Facebook Page!

Hi everyone!

So I have been upping my mileage the last couple weeks and this last week was my first week of running five days out of the week! I was thinking running the same course in my local park might be monotonous. And now that I'm officially a member of my local running club, I figured I would take advantage of the social runs that they host and recommend!

So Tuesday, I joined three fellow runners downtown for some hill repeats. The hill we ran up and down had a serious incline...much higher than my treadmill! I had a really great workout with them. Hill repeats are much easier when you have someone to chase! We all got along well for sure and met a fellow Disney fan. It was fun listening to everyone talk about their past race experience, upcoming races planned, what they did for a living...all that good stuff! I loved the break from my normal running routine and appreciated the company for sure!

Wednesday, Jared got to come with me to our first large social run. Also downtown, there were about 100 people that met up at the local food truck park and took off on a four mile out and back course down the riverside and back. While my introvert seriously came out and I didn't get to meet many new people, it was really fun to see the diversity of runners. There were moms with strollers, people with dogs (us included!), fast runners, slow runners, runners that sit on rocks (haha). There was a camaraderie that made the finish feel like the finish line at a race with people cheering you on as you came to the food truck park! We all gathered for a group photo at the end. Many people stayed for a beer and food. We opted out for our pocketbook's sake. I see this Wednesday routine being a really great way for me to meet new friends locally!

So the question is, which is running or solo running? While I think there is something to be said for solo running and the need to be able to find it within yourself to keep going when things get hard, group running definitely helps breaks the monotony of training. While you still get your miles in, you can get your mind off the training on easy runs and meet new people. So I say both...I'm an "and" kind of person! If you get a chance to try group training in your local area, I highly suggest it!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Apple Watch Review

It's finally here! My Apple Watch! 

After spending a week with it, I thought I would let you all know how it's been working for me.

As a precursor, I thought I would let you know why I wanted the Apple Watch. First off, I had been using a Nike Fuel band for a long time (three years). While it motivated me to keep moving, it didn't track any fitness stats very accurately. I had debated on upgrading to a Fit Bit, but when I heard the announcement about the Apple Watch, I decided to hold out for it. I was interested in all the other non-fitness aspects of the watch, including the texting, navigating, and other apps I use on a daily basis as well as the health and fitness aspect of it. The Mickey watch face might have been a factor too!

Last Friday, I pretty much sat in front of my front window and watched through the rain for the UPS man. Jared and I had a wedding to attend that night, and yet I wanted to get a run in with my new watch. Literally, as I'm resigning myself to run without it and pushing in the settings on my treadmill, the UPS man came! Within 10 minutes, my watch was unwrapped (with lots of pomp and circumstance haha) and set up and I was literally off and running! I used the native running app and it seemed to work great. That night, it tracked all the fun dancing and walking we had that night. It was awesome!

Getting to know my activity app!
The battery came only halfway charged and so I didn't get a chance to see how a typical day would drain the batteries until Monday. After using it for a run, extensive navigation, texting and taking phone calls, I drained the battery to 4% at midnight. The rest of the days were pretty typical with a couple of errands with navigation, a run, and activity tracking, then texting and maybe one phone call. I only got down to 20%. I was actually able to eek out two days worth of use on one charge between Wednesday and Thursday! It charges really fast as well. If I take care of the battery well like I do with most of my electronics, I think I will not have much issues with it dying on me. Sure I have to charge it most every night, but that's not a big deal in my book for the amount of awesomeness I'm getting through the day.

Speaking of which, it's pretty fantastic to use. A surprising thing I didn't think I would love so much is the ability to change watch faces! I can change moods in an hour, a day, a week and whatever functionality I need. I can have all my watch faces saved and can switch them out with an easy flick of my finger. THIS IS SO COOL. I can also easily start navigating to any appointments by just clicking the watch face and force tapping for directions. It's pretty snazzy.

One day I can use Mickey
Next I can use the modular!

I can text and take phone calls without having my phone plastered to me all day. When I'm shopping for something and Jared gives me specifics on what to buy, I can just look at my watch and see what I need. I used Apple Pay for the first time at Sprouts after church it was like a real life Disney magic band! I was giddy. I can check my budget at a glance, see how my Etsy store is doing and control my Apple TV all from my watch face. My watch alerts me to drink my water, move, stand, reminds me when its time to leave for an appointment and I don't miss and alert like I used to with my phone! I love being able to check the weather quickly and have actually been really surprised with how good my heart is actually doing now that I have accurate measurements. All that running is paying off! While I'm not surprised with the limited number of apps that have come out for the Apple Watch, I am excited for the potential. Hello geocaching on my watch and using Waze!

My small yet powerful world of apps
I know many were upset that the watch didn't have native GPS. I, however, don't really mind that I need to have my phone close to do many things on the watch. I never run without my phone anyways as it is my safety beacon to my family. Sometimes, I just need to get my phone out and check email, look at Pinterest, or update my calorie intake. But as far as having all my alerts and info I need to see quickly on my wrist, this watch definitely meets the standard I expect.

Love being able to scroll through all my notifications quickly!
Now for some downfalls. The navigation is awesome. I love that I can just feel tapping on my wrist when it's time to turn. However, the native maps for Apple are just nowhere near to the superiority that is Waze. Driving to a new part of downtown, I got rerouted by unexpected construction and in another drive, got caught in some heavy traffic that I could have probably avoided using Waze. Secondly, the calibration for the GPS using the native outdoor run was WAY off. My normal 3 mile route that I mapped out at home and run often only showed up as 2.6 miles on the native Apple app. Nike Running has their app rolled out however and it's spot on with knowing my running calibrations already. While Nike is notorious for their bugs in the app (sometimes I have a hard time figuring out how to start the I need to do it from my phone or from the watch???) it's still a great app to track runs! I didn't see a way in the manual to calibrate the native workout app. So that's a disappointment to me.

Loving the Nike App

Disappointed in the native workout app
But overall, I give the watch a two thumbs up! I'm looking forward to other third party apps rolling out their Apple Watch features and making the watch way more awesome. Soon, Jared might get one too and I can send him cutesy doodles on a whim haha. It's a serious upgrade for me from my Nike fuel band, and a definitely overall awesome birthday present that makes my whole day pretty awesomely convenient!