Thursday, September 13, 2012

Running in the Rain

One of my favorite songs growing up was "Singing in the Rain." It made me smile all the time when I thought about it and the other songs from that musical. Today though I made a little switche-roo in my head and made it "Running in the Rain." Because that's what we did today!

I was a little frantic as I kept watching the radar. It had been thundering and lightning all day. Jared actually came home early because the weather wouldn't let him fly. So when he came home the big question was, "Are we going to be able to go out today?" With him being the resident weather man...he got his fancy flying radar maps out and saw that the weather was dissapating. So we waited an hour and we finally got our chance to go running without being hit by lightning! I consider that a plus!

It was a fun run as we were not hot and our dog was in heaven. Plus there were no people there so we had the park all to ourselves. We pushed ourselves for sure and made the same run we did on Sunday... except we shaved four minutes off our time!

I also had a very important quiet time today. As I have been going through a slight identity crisis since my whole life changed this last year (you big deal), I have had a hard time defining my identity. But today I was reading Christine Caine's Undaunted book and I remembered something very profound.

Isaiah 49:1 "Listen to me, O coastlands, pay attention, you peoples from far away! The LORD called me before I was born, while I was in my mother’s womb he named me."

Before I was born, before I went to my schools, before I graduated, before I got married, before anything that I ever did or experienced God knew me! He already loved me and knew what was ahead. He had arranged everything already. He had given me an identity. While I love my parents my identity goes much further than just being a part of their family. I am His child too. I am a daughter of the King! He died for me so that we could be together.

Many times we think about things that have been said about us that are negative. Weak, stupid, unqualified...whatever! But what gives those words power is if we start using them ourselves about ourselves. However, if we choose to believe what God believes about us, that we are special, planned and worth dying for, there is a whole new ball game!

So just like today when I was running in the rain and I was thinking, "I can't do this," then I was never going to break my time from Sunday. But when I remembered what I had learned today, that I was strong and my body was made by Christ and could do things like run fast, then I could! And I did!

There is nothing more powerful than the brain. We are in a spiritual battleground and that battleground is your mind. If the devil can make you think that you are not what God says you are, then you will never become what God has planned for you to be. But, if you choose to believe the truth of God, that He loves you and cares for you, then you have the power to battle through the hard parts of life and live the amazing life God has for you! That's why Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."

Keep pushing yourself to be better. Don't let the devil bring you down. Hold on to Christ and get ready (as my old pastor would say) to go to a whole 'nuther level!

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