So yesterday and today mark the longest I have ever stuck with a workout plan EVER. As in my entire life. It is amazing to me to see the changes that have come about in myself even in as little as two weeks. I am running longer and faster. In my cross training workouts I can feel my core engaging and actually making the workout easier! It is so overwhelming to me when you actually understand the truths that you have been chanting to yourself over and over again. Things like, "I can do this" and "God has given me the body to be strong." I have heard motivating things like this said on shows like the Biggest Loser and on workout videos. I have told them to myself in workouts. But to actually experience these truths coming to life in my body is a whole new experience and it is exhilarating!
I bought a new book this weekend entitled "A Year With C. S. Lewis." It is a daily devotional for a year using snippets of C. S. Lewis' books and letters as the content. Today's first devotional just make me laugh at the brilliance of God's timing.
I know that we have all seen those TV shows where there is something that's dead and it starts moving. Then it is followed by the quintessential exclamation, "It's alive!" followed by everyone running for their lives. C. S. Lewis talks about this phenomena in his book Miracles. We all look for God. We all seek His blessing and His will for our lives. We volunteer, go to church, give to charity and participate in Bible studies. But what happens when things start to get hard or not go the way we thought it would? We start experiencing life and we run!
C. S. Lewis put it like this:
"An 'impersonal
God' - well and good. A subjective God of beauty, truth and goodness, inside our own heads - better still. A formless life-force surging
through us, a vast power which we can tap - best of all. But God
Himself, alive, pulling at the other end of the cord, perhaps
approaching at an infinite speed, the hunter, king, husband - that is
quite another matter ... There comes a moment when people who have been
dabbling in religion ('Man's search for God!') suddenly draw back.
Supposing we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse
still, supposing He had found us?"
God was never meant to just be "over there." He was never meant to just be found in nature where we hike on our vacations. He isn't just a nice idea in our heads that provides positive thoughts. He isn't just a cosmic force to ask for help from in our times of need. He is an entity. A being. And He wants a relationship with you.
Relationships take action. Relationships take risk. Just like working out, relationships can bring about pain. However, if we can experience pain and push through it, we experience hindsight on the other side. In workouts, we gain the ability to look back and see how far we have run or how much more we can lift. In life, we see the work of God in our lives! It is a perspective that we are never capable before going through the pain.
Instead of running away from life in fear we have the choice to push through the fear. God is intimidating! He has wiped out the entire human race with a flood! But He LOVES. More than anything He loves us. He want's a relationship with us. But we can't control God. If we enter into a relationship with Him we have to learn to lean in on the God who is in control and trust him. Think of God as not only our friend but our life trainer. He made life. He knows how to do it best! Trust your trainer! Trust the process!
The best part is with God we become more reliant on Him and yet stronger on our own all at the same time. We begin to see the changes. We begin to feel the core of our being becoming stronger as we go through our daily tasks. We begin to have new perspective on what is hard.
We begin to do what we thought was impossible.
If I could do anything right now I would encourage those of you who know God but don't trust Him to let Him free in your life! Let Him out of the little box you have Him in in your mind. Let Him transform your life like He has mine.
If you don't know God, I encourage you to ask around you. Ask Him into your heart and ask Him to transform your life. It will truly be the best decision you could ever make.
Let the impossible begin.
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