Thursday, January 22, 2015

The New Restaurant Intimidation Factor

Jared and I were just traveling through our new neighborhood and I cannot tell you how happy I was to drive through and feel like it was home. The people are so nice. I love watching people at the park and driving by the kids playing basketball in their driveway. Even in the dead of winter it's beautiful. I can't wait to see what it looks like in spring!

However, one thing that I don't like is that Jared and I have to find new restaurants! This would normally not be a big deal for me. Yet, ever since going gluten free I have had a major intimidation factor on trying new places. Going to buffets and not knowing what the ingredients are is really frustrating. I would rather not eat than risk having gluten. Some restaurants look at me like I have four eyes when I ask if they have a gluten free menu. I've had many sour experiences. Not knowing where they cook it, what they put in it and how careful they are makes me super anxious. If I had to be extremely strict, I probably would never eat out. 

Yet, there are some places that do cater extensively to gluten free eaters! After our half marathon in Washington DC, we found a Legal Sea Food and they had gluten free fish and chips that they cooked in a separate part of their kitchen and brought it out separate from the rest of the meals. I was elated! Then, recently Jared and I tried a new Mexican restaurant. Not only did they have a separate menu with a different color to alert the waiter, but they brought out special chips that are fried separate! So exciting!

So how do I suggest you navigate the colossal amount of choices to eat and trying new places? Here's what I suggest:

1. Call the restaurant. If they don't understand what you are asking or don't know what gluten is, BAD SIGN. Jared and I have also learned to ask what kind of options they have. Some people say they have gluten free options and their only option is salad. LAME when you are expecting gluten free pizza. Others have a full gluten free menu. It helps to know which is which as to not set expectations to get disappointed. 

2. There's an app for that! What many people don't realize is once you go gluten free, it doesn't just affect you, but it affects your entire family! My mom has been so supportive of me having to go gluten free and even found an app called "Find Me Gluten Free." Not only does it bring up locations by distance, but it allows for user reviews so that you can weed out which restaurants just say they have gluten free (and offer salad) or if they have a full gluten free menu and allergen list. It also offers star ratings so you can see the most liked restaurants around you!

3. When in doubt, don't eat and try again. There have been so many times where I have gone to a restaurant and it doesn't really have anything I can eat. I then beat myself up over the choice because I'm hungry and I want to make it work. But many times, I just have to be in a hungry, grumpy mood until we can leave the restaurant and find something that I can actually eat. It can create hassle and frustration (especially when you are hungry!) but your health is more important than trying to make it work. Make sure to always bring snacks with you, just in case you have to snack while you wait for something more substantial!

I hope these tips help! Good luck and hopefully your inner foodie doesn't have to be restricted by new restaurant intimidation! 

Do you know any other restaurants that are great for eating gluten free or any apps to help find those restaurants? I'd love to know!

Monday, January 19, 2015

I Don't Trust Very Well

It's an ongoing theme here in my brain...I am not one to trust people. My poor husband, bless his heart, went through the toughest "interrogation" period before we started dating before I trusted him enough to go out on a date with him.

I have a hard time trusting the people closest to me too. I read into things that people do (or don't do) and take things very personally. I'm an ideal-est having to adjust to a realistic world.

While we can have a whole discussion on my issues with that adjustment, I want to talk about how that personality trait affects my relationship with God. Maybe some of you can relate.

When I have big decisions to make or am going through a rough time, it's easy for me to turn to God and not trust him to come through for me. In the past, I have frequently pointed to all the bad things in my life and told God he was responsible for those and I didn't trust for him to not do it again. Or, if I am supposed to be waiting for God to answer a question I have or give me guidance on a situation, I frequently want the answer on my timing. I don't want to be patient for God because doesn't he see the deadline I have or the looming disaster that could happen if I don't know in time?

Then, because I don't trust him I get angry. I start yelling at him in my brain and accusing him of being late or absent or not caring about what's going on in my life. I think about things to do to disobey him just to show that I don't approve of how he runs things. But then, after I have cried into my pillow a bit I realize that he's such a patient Daddy, that he lets me have my temper tantrum like a five year old. Then he calmly says, I'm still here. I still love you and I'm not going anywhere. He reminds me that even if I can't see it, he's preparing me for something bigger than what I am even thinking. And then he asks the question:

Do you trust me?

It's these pivotal moments that seem so inconsequential. Step by step he leads us to where he wants us. Every time we get tired or angry that we haven't arrived yet he lets us express our emotions, calms us down and continues to ask us if we trust him. Before we know it, if we keep saying yes, we begin to see all the crazy things he has for us! I have the benefit to seeing my journey through college and see all the points where I said yes when I could have told him no and walked away. I am glad to say, I'm joyful I said yes every time. And the best part is, I know this is only the beginning.

I just want to encourage anyone that's reading this, that you may be going through a similar patch of life. You might be walking down this trail and wondering where the trail is even going. I just want to encourage you to say that if you faithfully keep telling God you trust him, you will not believe the incredible things you can do. The best part is, even if we lose faith, God never loses faith in us.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Glutenous Maximus

I had the amazing opportunity to take dance lessons growing up. It kept me active and socially involved even though my body frame wasn't an "ideal" for a dancer. One of my teachers, Ms. Jennie, was my favorite. Instead of telling us to "tuck our butts in" and keep our back straight, she would refer to it as our "Gluteus Maximus" as the word "Butt" was not appropriate for a lady to say.

I think of her often now as the word "Gluteous" sounds similar to my made up word "Glutinous," which I now use to describe to the main diet of many Americans today.

Yes. I'm one of those people that has to eat gluten free. And yes, when I tell you that at Pie Five, I really do need you to change your gloves because it really could make me sick and I really appreciate it when you do! I was crushed when I had to start my gluten free diet cold turkey. I instantly (relatively, over the course of a few days) felt better and had more energy. But I was depressed because (believe it or not) I couldn't have Oreos.

More than the fact that I couldn't have oreos, I was depressed because I didn't know what I could eat. All I knew was I got a huge list from the doctor of things I couldn't eat and I was living like a rabbit for a week or so...munching lettuce and drinking smoothies. Thankfully, after a couple of tearful episodes of self pity, my husband and I took to the internet and found some great gluten free recipes and products that we could find at our local HEB.

So if you are thinking of going gluten free for whatever reason, think about these things:

1. The price. Going gluten free can be expensive. This was the hardest for my husband as he don't like spending more than $2.00 a unit on any food product. But, if you stick to non-processed food (aka...things that are naturally gluten free) it can actually be quite affordable. When you start buying gluten free bread and pizza crusts and cookies, it will get much more pricey. Stick to corn and rice as your grains as they are much more affordable and readily found!

2. Gluten is found everywhere! While the obvious source is wheat, there is gluten in a ton of chemically processed foods. It is basically like "edible glue" that food manufacturers use to add different flavors to food. You can find it in deli meats, canned food, candy coatings, cereal and pretty much anything that says "Natural and/or Artificial Flavor." When in doubt, I use my new favorite app called Fooducate! It's $5.00 but it has saved me several headaches when I was about to buy that Kraft cheese or canned chicken broth!

3. Keep it sustainable. I preach that these things are meant to be a marathon and not a sprint. I have been gluten free for almost three years now and in those three years, I have had lots of chocolate, bread and candy...things not normally found on a gluten free diet! But thankfully, we now have lots of options for people that have to eat gluten free (including Oreos!). Even if they are a little pricey, they make their way into my shopping cart every once in a while as my treat for the month. 80/20 rule is 80% of what is good for you and 20% of what makes you happy, even if it might cost a little more. The other side of that is make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. I keep a food log not just for the calories, but also for the nutrient info. It's a tendency for people who eat gluten free to not get all their needed nutrients. So, I try to keep track of what I'm deficient in and adjust accordingly week to week.

I hope this helps you start thinking about how to start and maintain your gluten free lifestyles. Feel free to ask questions if you need help! I'm not a doctor, but I've figured out how to make this work for me and my family!

Do you have any great tips for eating gluten free?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Start Line

I've recently got to begin a really fun connect group at my church centered around running! What's also been fun is I've gotten to see how people are interesting in running who haven't run before. This, while fun leads to the inevitable question:

"I want to run. But where do I start?"

It's become a joke between me and my husband that we start by putting one foot in front of the other when we are about to go out. But when you think about it, that's where we encourage our friends that are also starting out to begin. If you are just getting up from the couch, start walking. If you are active and walking, start with a run/walk program. Basically, asses your current state of fitness, and raise it up a level!

With the internet, there is a plethora of resources to choose from when trying to find a training plan, or just advice on where to start. When I was running in college, I would go to websites such as Pop Sugar, Fitness magazine, or other "trendy" sites that have plans like "drop 10 pounds in two weeks." But what I found about most of these plans was that they were simply not sustainable. I would keep up with them for 3 or 4 workouts. But then the workout seemed too hard and I would find excuses to not do them. They left me feeling defeated, not stronger. Even Nike's training plans ramped up too fast for me.

Then I found Athleta's free training plan! You can check it out here. It was a great plan that started with run/walk intervals that allowed me to work up to running for long periods straight. I finished workouts that seemed really hard for me, yet didn't completely beat me down. I started looking forward to the next workout because it seemed like an attainable challenge! Jeff Galloway also promotes this run/walk method for all Disney training plans. His website says that the run/walk method can actually speed you up an average of 7 minutes faster in a half marathon race and more than 13 minutes faster in the marathon. It's awesome to watch all the people around me at Disney races doing marathons using this method. It might be something you want to try, especially starting out!

The next step to starting out is form. It's imperative that you run with good form to keep from injuring yourself. I can tell if I have gone too fast or overextended my stride because it hurts my heels of my feet and my knees. I then saw this video by New Balance on good running form and it saved my feet and calves! You can check it out below!

As you go through your new training plans, you will be learning a ton about yourself both mentally and physically. Where are the points where you mentally want to quit? What hurts after a workout? Everyone is different when it comes to the "sweet spot" of running in both frequency and mileage. Try for three times a week and slowly ramp up how many miles you have run. Keep a log and see what frequency and mileage keeps you energized and in shape without beating you down. Once you decide something for now doesn't mean you can't change it later. But we are talking sustainability for a ongoing, enjoyable workout. If you are running too much and get injured, it doesn't do you any good!

Last and not least, you need to get good shoes! I started running in some old Nikes and had major shin and calf issues. I went to Luke's Locker to buy new shoes and the difference was amazing. I ran 5 miles doing run/walk intervals the next workout and it was an amazing difference! The right shoes help protect you from injury and make the workout a more enjoyable experience. They may seem pricey, but they are the only real expense for running besides race entries. It's much better than the doctor bill you may have if you run in old shoes!

I hope this helps you find out where to start. Some people may think the starting line is at the beginning of the race. But it's actually right now when you decide to step up off the couch and outside on a run! Go for it and have fun!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Creating is Messy

So the last few posts have been about some crafty things I have been making. After I finished the bulk of the work, that fun part starts...the clean up! While I'm cleaning, I realize just how big of a mess crafting is, and why my OCD husband insisted on a craft room for me in our new house ( contain my mess!). 

This got me thinking. God is the ultimate creator. We all know the story from Genesis where he makes Earth and everything in it. But what my ADD brain thought of next was actually about how he made it. I thought about grade school science where I had to give a presentation about ecosystems. God didn't just create things on Earth, but he created them with cycles and balances. The death of one thing in an ecosystem actually gets reinvested in the environment to create something new. While it can be complicated to explain in a large ecosystem like a forest, I can see this simply in my backyard. Fall brings colder temperatures which tell the trees to start going dormat for the winter. This is why we get beautiful colors of leaves in the fall. These leaves eventually fall off into my yard. Then I can take these now dead leaves and compost them until spring when I can use them now as soil to plant new seedlings. We have taken something dead and used it to make something new. It's messy, and it's hard work...but it cretes something my garden. 

This sparked an idea for me that I understood to a certain extent, but highlighted and expanded the importance of it in my head. If God made this reinvesting cycle into the very fabric of the Earth, this would probably be a good foundation to use in ministry too. We should design our ministry structures to not just extract what we can from what we have between people and money, but reinvest it into the very fabric of the ministry, especially in the people that come and serve. We should be thinking about how the work they do is not only investing in the people they serve, but in themselves as well. The work they do can reinvested into community and relationship building, flexing their spiritual muscles to step out of their comfort zones, or teaching them a skill they didn't know. We can find lots of different ways to invest in the people that come to work and volunteer in ministry that helps them outside the walls of the church as well. 

It will probably be messy, and it might make me pull my hair out sometimes figuring it all out. But if we do it and God works in it, we as a church can create something beautiful. 

Talk to y'all soon!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Preparing for Princess: Part 2!

Last time I talked about my costumes that I have been preparing for my Princess Half Marathon Glass Slipper Challenge! I am running the half marathon part of this race with my mom, and so we decided to go as Queen Elinor and Merida!

Both costumes, flat
Details of my belt!
Mom's belt, secured with velcro!
Details of mom's crown!
These costumes make me really happy! Again, found some $5 clearance shirts at Walmart. They were actually bright lime green. So I had to buy some dye to make them the darker green I wanted. Then I sewed on the gold trim and made the sparkle skirts (who can run a princess race without a sparkle skirt???). 

I really wanted to ad a few touches to make these costumes obvious to who we were supposed to be without a ton of weight and extra friction! So I saw Queen Elinor had a belt and crown. So I made a Velcro belt out of the streachy sparkle fabric and a felt crown that can pin to my mom's visor as she runs. I ran with a Captain America Sheild for the Disneyland half last summer, so bigger props are not as big a deal for me. So in addition to my belt and family crest (which I made out of felt) my husband is making me a fake bow to carry out of lightweight PVC! That's true love! 

Really excited about this race. I'm really happy to have something to train for over the next few weeks and a fun trip to look forward to. I hit post marathon blues really hard last year. Add in cold and dark weather, and it was an uphill battle for me emotionally until March. So here's to running endorphins and family to share the experience with! 

Talk to y'all soon!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Preparing for Princesses!

I have been breaking out the scrapbooks and home videos lately as the anniversary of my first marathon is coming up here in another week. I remember all the hard training runs, the research and the questions I asked of my sanity while I spent a year and a half training for this race. However, I still have very fond memories of my race through Disney. If you would like to see it, check out my video below!

I'm wishing everyone who is running this year lots of love and hopes for a very special and fun day!

Meanwhile, I am preparing for my own very special race in mid-Febuary...the Glass Slipper Challenge at Princess Half Marathon Weekend! I'm very excited as I am actually going to run the 10K with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. It's their first 10K! I got to run the Houston Turkey Trot with my sister-in-law this past Thanksgiving, and it was so much fun!

So for the 10K we all four of us are picking our favorite princesses and I chose Rapunzel! I found a $5 clearance running shirt at Walmart. Then I broke out the sewing machine and added some cute little touches that helped turn this shirt into my favorite running costume piece I've made so far! The lace and gold trim was a bit difficult to sew on all together, but I think it turned out really well! 

Add in some hair clips I made with flowers, a braid and pascal...and I'm set! I'm still debating on taking a frying pan with me. I'm wondering if TSA will give me a hard time about it on my carry on!

I'll go over my costume for the half marathon on the next blog! 

Talk to y'all soon!

Monday, January 5, 2015

It's cold outside!

So it's been a few weeks after Christmas now and I am so excited to share what I got to work on for a customer from my Knick Knack Kitting services! This customer wanted to get something for Christmas his whole family would enjoy, and they all got beautiful hats and scarves!

A lovely modern hat for mom and sisters!
All got flowers and matching scarves!

Different colors for individuality!
Nieces got matching hats.
His nephew got a hat too...but all in his own colors!

This project made me so happy for a couple of reasons! 
1. Norwegian genie hats are really beautiful. The pattern created by the contrasting colors makes a really nice statement. Plus, they definitely keep your ears warm!
2. The white beanie hats provided a new technique for me to learn where I actually knitted the hat sideways and then added the top on later. From a knitters standpoint, I think the result is a very modern look for a beanie! Add the cute bow and buttons and it's definitely a very stylish yet functional hat!

It's cold for us here in Texas. So if you are looking to get something cute yet functional for yourself, you can click on the Knick Knack Knitting tab above and order a very special knitted piece of your own! 

Talk to y'all again soon!
