Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Start Line

I've recently got to begin a really fun connect group at my church centered around running! What's also been fun is I've gotten to see how people are interesting in running who haven't run before. This, while fun leads to the inevitable question:

"I want to run. But where do I start?"

It's become a joke between me and my husband that we start by putting one foot in front of the other when we are about to go out. But when you think about it, that's where we encourage our friends that are also starting out to begin. If you are just getting up from the couch, start walking. If you are active and walking, start with a run/walk program. Basically, asses your current state of fitness, and raise it up a level!

With the internet, there is a plethora of resources to choose from when trying to find a training plan, or just advice on where to start. When I was running in college, I would go to websites such as Pop Sugar, Fitness magazine, or other "trendy" sites that have plans like "drop 10 pounds in two weeks." But what I found about most of these plans was that they were simply not sustainable. I would keep up with them for 3 or 4 workouts. But then the workout seemed too hard and I would find excuses to not do them. They left me feeling defeated, not stronger. Even Nike's training plans ramped up too fast for me.

Then I found Athleta's free training plan! You can check it out here. It was a great plan that started with run/walk intervals that allowed me to work up to running for long periods straight. I finished workouts that seemed really hard for me, yet didn't completely beat me down. I started looking forward to the next workout because it seemed like an attainable challenge! Jeff Galloway also promotes this run/walk method for all Disney training plans. His website says that the run/walk method can actually speed you up an average of 7 minutes faster in a half marathon race and more than 13 minutes faster in the marathon. It's awesome to watch all the people around me at Disney races doing marathons using this method. It might be something you want to try, especially starting out!

The next step to starting out is form. It's imperative that you run with good form to keep from injuring yourself. I can tell if I have gone too fast or overextended my stride because it hurts my heels of my feet and my knees. I then saw this video by New Balance on good running form and it saved my feet and calves! You can check it out below!

As you go through your new training plans, you will be learning a ton about yourself both mentally and physically. Where are the points where you mentally want to quit? What hurts after a workout? Everyone is different when it comes to the "sweet spot" of running in both frequency and mileage. Try for three times a week and slowly ramp up how many miles you have run. Keep a log and see what frequency and mileage keeps you energized and in shape without beating you down. Once you decide something for now doesn't mean you can't change it later. But we are talking sustainability for a ongoing, enjoyable workout. If you are running too much and get injured, it doesn't do you any good!

Last and not least, you need to get good shoes! I started running in some old Nikes and had major shin and calf issues. I went to Luke's Locker to buy new shoes and the difference was amazing. I ran 5 miles doing run/walk intervals the next workout and it was an amazing difference! The right shoes help protect you from injury and make the workout a more enjoyable experience. They may seem pricey, but they are the only real expense for running besides race entries. It's much better than the doctor bill you may have if you run in old shoes!

I hope this helps you find out where to start. Some people may think the starting line is at the beginning of the race. But it's actually right now when you decide to step up off the couch and outside on a run! Go for it and have fun!

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