Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Love Wins: Part 2

Almost a year and a half ago, I wrote this blog post called Love Wins. I was going through a very tough summer in my personal life where I moved, changed jobs, and attended more funerals that I wanted. It was a season in my life where pretty much everything that I was looking forward to either marred or didn't happen due to unforeseen circumstances.

Even though I ended that blog post with faith knowing that God would come through for us, the following year has been rough as well. Due to all the ups and downs of the year, I have been struggling with the depression the whole way. The ups were fantastic with wonderful family vacations and little victories. However, the downs seemed to plague us. Jared and I never seemed to get time together. When we did, I had something at work come up that he had to come help me with if he wanted to see me. I had a period in the fall where I was having nightmares pretty much every night and caused me to have low sleep and a higher sensitivity to stress. Christmas was brutal for me at church. So when January came around me and God has a serious amount of time to discuss and talk about what had been going on and how I was going to process through it all.

It seemed really scary to me when God called me to do Redeemed full time. It was one of those things where I was going to have to step out on faith again, and hope that everything would be alright. However, after the beating my hopes had taken last year, I was really second-guessing every decision I was making. But, I knew the end of the story. I know that love wins. And so, in obedience, I stepped out in faith again and God has seriously opened the floodgates of favor and provision.

Ever since stepping out in obedience, God has just shown me over and over that he has my back. While little things may come up that I begin to fret over, I just remind myself that God has this under control and he comes through every time. When all my donor checks got lost in the mail, God provided. When my dog has gotten a serious infection, God provided a cure and the funds to pay for it. When Jared is home, I actually get to see him. When I prayed for volunteers to come fill the positions I needed, he brought them out in droves. For the first time in a while, I feel like I now have the tangible evidence that I can point to that didn't happen years ago whenever things get hairy or scary. While I still have my PTSD moments and we still have to deal with the things life throws at us, we have a summer ahead of us full of exciting things for Redeemed, time with family and friends, travel, weddings and just an overall celebration of life. Things are finally looking up.

So to you who may be going through where I was a year and a half ago, I would encourage you standing this far down the road of the race that it does get better. Don't ever lose faith in God. Because...

"We have seasons where things seem dark and dry. We don’t feel God close to us. We feel isolated from those around us as we think, “Who could possibly understand what we are going through?” We are tempted to give up, because we wonder who cares about our seemingly wasted efforts to bring life and love into such a broken world. 

But we must remember that just because we can’t feel God close doesn’t mean he’s not there. Just because things are dark doesn’t mean they will be dark forever. You are not alone! God is with you and has placed people around you to go through this season with you. Our efforts are not wasted. They are seeds to bring glory to God in the perfect moment. Hold onto that as you go through whatever you have going on right now. You are loved by the one who created love.

And I read the end of the book. Love wins!"

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Anniversary of a Different Sort

Today is a pretty special day...

Today marks our 4th anniversary of geocaching!

Our first geocache...not the first impression I was expecting!

Geocaching has been so special for us. It's a way for us to spend time together, get outside, explore our community and build friendships with like minded people. Geocaching has brought us to beautiful spots and taught us about history. We have visited places that we never would have been to otherwise had there not been a geocache!

So today, it's fitting, we have been featured on a travel blog called peanutsorpretzels.com! They featured our trip to Big Bend State Park on their #Adventurecaching series. If you would like to check it out, simply click here!

Here's to more exciting trips in geocaching!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

#TheHomeImprovementLife: The Big Reveal!

So today is the day...we are finally finished with the guest room makeover! Are you ready for the big reveal???

Here we go!

Entering the room before...

...entering the room after!

We went with a Disney infused travel theme...of course! I was inspired by the idea of Beauty and the Beast and inviting our visitors to "Be Our Guest!" As avid lovers of travel, we wanted a place to display our travel souvenirs and inspire our travelers to visit all different parts of the world.



We wanted to provide guests a place to put their luggage and a dresser to unpack into so that they don't have to feel like they are living out of their suitcases!


The dresser was won at an auction house that is close to where we live for just $35! A simple cleaning and spray painting the handles to match the decor was all we needed to update this piece of furniture!

This mirror was also a consignment sale that we found for $35 as well!

We know wifi is important to everyone these days. So we provide our wifi information right next to sustenance in both healthy and unhealthy forms!

We dressed up our window and put up a map on our wall!

Jared found this old map at his parent's house and created a frame for it out of reclaimed wood. We want our guests to come sign the map pointing to where they are from!

We found these oversized drawer pulls on sale for $2.50 each and we spray painted them and repurposed them as curtain holders.


Jared also created all the floating shelves for this room. The best part? We have room to grow in displaying our treasures from around the world!

I created this reclaimed wood sign inspired by Beauty and the Beast. As we tell our adventures from traveling around the world, there seems to be common threads that are as old as time. Nothing beats experiencing the world and the experiences shaping our view of life. You can actually buy this sign at our new Etsy store called Loving Life Design Company!

Last but not least, the vision design that I had to inspire this room!


Our guests will be luxuriously sleeping on a custom made platform bed that Jared built. Above them, recessed LED reading lights in the shelf will allow them to see even when the main light is off!

Guests will see our photos from around the world (including this landscape of my brother on the Great Wall of China) as they are settling into the room!

This chess set was brought back from Russia by Jared after his family adopted his little brother and sister. It now finally has a place to be displayed!

And finally, what better finish to the travel inspired guest room than a cute vintage globe!

Jared and I sometimes would sit back during a project and wonder why we were doing the guest room before our own master suite. But honestly, we spent a ton of time into this room because we genuinely love people and want them to come visit! So consider this your invitation to come and hang out with us. Just call first!

Here's to new adventures with great friends!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

#TheHomeImprovementLife: Not So Little Projects

We have been diligently working for the past couple of weeks on the little details of the room! From furniture to curtains, it can be deceiving on how "little" these projects might seem. Jared and I have done lots of shopping and changed our minds several times, but we are moving and grooving!

Spray painting our curtain rod system

Jared is blowing off the sawdust from his newly created platform bed!
I spent a good deal of time cutting out the design inspiration piece for this room. It's a surprise!

I can't wait to show you all the final product! It's so close I can taste it!

Monday, April 13, 2015

A New Challenge

Last year Mom and I fell in love with the Nike Woman's running series. When we discovered they were holding a new race course in Toronto, we we're ecstatic! The lottery results have come in, and we are running Toronto!!

Looking forward to finishing this race with an ambitious goal of running an average of 10:00 minutes per mile. This is pretty fast for a long distance race for me. We will see if I can do it!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Let's start an actual important conversation...

When I worked with Fellowship Church, you always had that awkward moment where when someone asks what you do and I say, "I'm a Children's Pastor." They kinda look at you weird and go "Oh!" or "Cool!" and that's the end of the conversation because now you have broken an important rule of building relationships: Don't bring up religion. I never thought it could get worse.

I was wrong.

I was in a long line at Starbucks waiting to order and a neighboring customer said hi and struck up a conversation. Naturally we get to careers and saying I was the director of a faith based non-profit that fights human trafficking was like the sum epitome of relational rule breaking. I now have now brought up religion, politics and sex. Don't you love talking to me already? I think the only thing that could be a worse conversation starter was Starbuck's #RaceTogether campaign. Those poor baristas...

But if you want to start a conversation with me you are going to hear how much I love God. You will hear how much I believe he has called me to this work. And you are going to hear about how much God is changing me just as much as he is changing the women we build relationships with.

Just last weekend we had a training with a fantastic women named Bonnie Martin. She has counseled thousands of clients and specifically works with human trafficking victims and those suffering from complex trauma. She introduced us to neuroscience that showed us images of the brain post-trauma and how it structurally redesigns the brain. It was incredible to learn how this restructuring leads to certain behavioral changes and why these women we work with think the way they do. Of course, without fail, God taught me a little bit more about myself as I struggle with my PTSD. I was able to understand how my brain works even more and what I can do to balance my life with the symptoms that occasionally interject themselves into my life.

But the most important piece to the puzzle was when she discussed shame. It will be very hard for me to sum up what I heard over two days from such an eloquent woman, but I will do my best because I feel it is so important.

Shame bring three things: secrecy, isolation and insecurity. Think about when you steal a cookie at age 5. You do it in secrecy. You isolate yourself to eat it. Then you are insecure the whole day on whether your mom or dad is going to find out. Right? Well, what Ms. Martin's point to her speech was that we don't just have a sin problem, but we also have a shame problem. In Genesis, it says that Adam and Eve, freshly created, were naked in the garden and not ashamed. But once they disobeyed God, they felt immense shame and hid from God. Sin is what keeps us from God. Shame is what keeps us from living past it. She then gave us three examples of people with shame from the Bible.

Moses was a traumatized baby. He survived white-water rafting down the Nile river and was adopted into an Egyptian family where he had identity issues and developed and anger management problem. He then killed a man in his anger, hid the body (secrecy) then ran away from home (isolation). He was so ashamed of what he did he could barely overcome his insecurity when God started talking to him from the burning bush. Thankfully, he learned to overcome his shame and lead the people out of Egypt.

Saul's story wasn't so happy. He had inherited shame socially as the youngest brother of the lowest family of the lowest tribe. When Samuel anointed him and held a banquet for him he didn't tell his family (secrecy) and hid on the day it was supposed to be announced that he was the first king of Israel (isolation). He was always insecure about his leadership role as shown by him not waiting for Samuel to come sacrifice before going into battle and by how he perceived David as a threat to his throne. He never overcame his shame.

Rahab had imposed shame. Historically, I learned that she was probably a prostitute as much as a girl being trafficked today was (aka forced to do it). Her story might be similar to many of the girls that come into our program where she was probably first trafficked at age 12 or 13. However, it was a way to survive in a culture hostile to women. She probably had so much shame from how society viewed her and she had to deal with that her whole life. However, as a survivor, she had heard of the God of the Israelites that wiped their enemies out. When she came across the Israeli spies, she saw an opportunity to save herself and her family. Yet, when the Israeli spies told her to put the scarlet cord in the window, she had a tough decision. Scarlet was the color associated with sexually immorality (Scarlet Letter anyone?) and so so save herself, she had to broadcast her occupation to the community. Thankfully she didn't let her shame from her occupation stop her and she became part of the lineage of Jesus.

See how it wasn't just the sins of the individual people that caused them to hesitate when God called them? It was the shame of their sins that they had to overcome. Those in the Bible that were able to understand that God knew every secret about them and yet still loved them allowed them to overcome their shame and move on to do the great God had called them to do.

I'm sure as I'm writing this some of the shame that you still keep secret in your heart might be coming to mind. When I was thinking about it, I had some things that I was ashamed of come to mind instantly. And yet, as we celebrate Easter, it is so good to know that our Savior knew we were going to face shame. With this knowledge he underwent severe beatings and mocking, taking the shame that he didn't deserve with him as he was paraded down the street to his death. With his resurrection, we see that he overcame the sin that keeps us from God, but he also overcame the shame that allows us to experience true liberty from our shame in His glory.

Do you really want to start a conversation? Let's talk about how the sin and the shame that we deal with as a human beings causes many of the problems that we see today, including human trafficking. People in pain inflict pain on others. Let's talk openly about how the answer to the sin and shame problem is getting squashed in our schools and our politics. Let's talk about how it's taboo to bring God up in conversation. Let's talk about the messes in life that the directives of God can help us heal and avoid in the future. Let's talk about how we can still be reflections of Christ without having to be perfect ourselves.

My hope is that if we can start having this real, actually important conversation, we can see real hope and change occur in our society. Isn't that a beautiful thing to imagine?

Happy Easter everyone. Remember that God loves you and you don't have to live in shame any more.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Garden Update!

So I'm super excited about my garden! It's been a bit of a learning curve but as spring comes around, we are getting beautiful buds!

The blueberry flowers are beautiful and delicate!
Between the herb garden, the blueberries, strawberries and peppers, we are just waiting for the natural processes to occur...as always! 

Strawberries are on the way!

Herb garden is flourishing!

The sad tomatoes

The one thing I'm sad about is my tomatoes. I tried starting them from seed, but only one hasn't died and it's struggling! I'm hoping it survives the hardening off and maybe we will see it bounce back!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Camping at Dinosaur Valley!

Every year for my birthday we go on a camping trip. There is something about getting out in nature and disconnecting for a while that makes me happy! So we packed up the car and headed out to Glenrose, TX and Dinosaur Valley!
Nothing like some dinosaur models to greet you as you enter the park!
In 1908 there was a massive flooding in the Paluxy river where old fossilized tracks were uncovered by years of heavy sediment. A year later, a man named George Adams found large, three-toed tracks. We now know these to be theropod tracks. But it wasn't until 20 years later that a team of archeologists came to study the riverbed and study the tracks. That team found tons of tracks, which then allowed us to understand the hight, gait, migration patterns and, yes, even what hunted other dinosaurs! In the 1970's, the state park was made to help preserve these tracks.
One of the many river bed spots where you can view the tracks. 
These tracks were awesome!
What's also awesome about Dinosaur Valley is they offer primitive camping! We were really excited as we hiked over the river and through the woods, literally, to our camping spot! Part of the trail actually goes along the bottom of a river bed!

All packed up and ready to head out!
I title this one, Mobile-Maddie
Once we got there is was time to make camp. We set up all our gear, ate dinner and watched the stars before we headed to bed. 

Next morning it was time to get up and go geocaching! I was really close to my 400th geocache and so we had a really ambitious goal of getting over 15 caches in two days.

Our little camp!
I am so in love with my little coffee maker!

Hiking along the river bottom
We set off and looked at the dino tracks before hiking up the hill. We found some of the caches on the way!

Spectacular view of the entire park!
Loving the view, weather and company!

Went to this really cool spot as a virtual cache where we had to hike down a gully to get to the water fall!

We hiked all the way over to the other side of the park and found a cache placed way back in 2001! These are really rare and it was cool to read all the old logs. We then found a nice shady spot and ate lunch!

The backpacker's way of preparing lunch!

Feeling pretty proud of ourselves so far!

We helped our fellow cachers out by adding new logsheets where the originals were getting full.
We then hiked our way back over to our campsite, finding a couple of really fun natural pools of water (where we happily spashed around for a while), and some wildlife!

Duchess sniffed this guy out and we relocated him away from the trail a bit.
He had covered himself in mud to cool himself off!
We hiked over nine miles day one. But then we realized we were going to have to find some geocaches outside the park to make my goal. So we got in the car quick and found some really cool old cemeteries...and even drove across a river crossing (safely, of course)! It was really cool to see other aspects of the little town and the surrounding countryside.

 We then made it back to our campsite for dinner. We have some pretty fantastic gear that I thought I would share. We found gluten free MRE's from Alpine Aire and they were tasty! Our bugaboo camping pack was perfect and I loved our new sporks that we found at Cabella's. Multifunctional, they didn't sacrifice on the primary function of getting food to my mouth!

Love our little sporks!

Of course, what is camping without S'mores! No ground fires were allowed at our campsite, so we had to opt for gas roasted marshmallows. Also, it's hard to find the gluten free graham crackers we had in Houston. But, we substituted gluten free snickerdoodle cookies and HOLY COW! Incredible!

Roast little marshmallow!

Everyone was tired after our day of play, including the geodog. We called for some "In-tents" stretching so we wouldn't be sore the next day!
Tired geodog

"In-tents" stretching!
Next morning we headed out to find two more geocaches on the other side of the park.

We found my 399th geocache!
Then, we sadly had to say goodbye and pack up our campsite.

Butterfly came to say goodbye!
I'm all packed up!

So is Jared!
Now it was just a matter of hiking out! Easier said than done!

River crossing...again!
Putting my balance to the test!

My final geocache of the trip, my 400th, was the Dinosaur Valley Earthcache! So awesome to learn all about the different types of dinosaurs that used to live in Texas!

We loved this camping trip and had so much fun exploring. We see us coming back and enjoying the hiking trails and little rivers all throughout the park as a way to unwind and relax. Super awesome experience. Hope you get to so someday too!