Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Defeats and Victories

We all have probably heard or have experienced the fact that when working toward something great long term you are going to have good days and bad days. Times where you are on top of the world and times at the bottom of the pit.

Yesterday was a bottom of the pit day. I had a good day at work but my run was less than inspiring. It was a 45 minute run. Funny how you never know how long 45 minutes is until you have to run it. Add to that we ran it on a treadmill. I love the fact that I have a gym membership (Thanks Mom!) but it was more to use the bikes, pools and free weights. Not the treadmill. But the weather and the time of night forced us to run four miles on the hamster wheels and halfway through Jared and I were both like, "I hate running!"

So today I had to make a resolution. I would go running at the park with my dog at 1:30 pm. No excuses. Not only was it a beautiful day, but I experienced something I've only read about...the runner's high. Three minutes in Steller Kart came on the playlist with "We Shine," my dog was so happy, the sun was shining and I was like, "Praise God for legs and lungs!" I maintained a 10:25 min/mile pace all 30 minutes (that's zooming for me) and even pushed harder at the end. I was saying "Howdy" to everyone I passed while keeping Duchess from chasing the squirrels. Plus, after the run, everyone just seemed nicer. Maybe it's due to my overenthusiastic "Hi!" to the post office guy and frozen yogurt lady. But, I got free vanilla yogurt for Duchess! What a deal!

All this to say I think running just makes the world a nicer place. Plus it teaches me that practice makes perfect and I shouldn't get discouraged by one run...or one plan gone wrong, or anything in life. Gods got my back because I'm all His, and that's all I need to worry about!

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go soak my very sore muscles in Epsom salt, use the foam roller and drink a vanilla protein shake...

Running Across America...still in Virginia.

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