Wednesday, June 12, 2013

God on a Motorcycle

Hi everyone! Congrats on making it to hump day!

Makes me laugh every time!!!

So I went to the mall a last weekend and as I'm waiting at the light to turn into the mall, the guy on a motorcycle pulls up behind me. I look up expecting some buffed up, terminator looking guy, clean cut with sunglasses and leather everywhere. So I was shocked when the guy, albeit very fit, had a ginormous dynasty style. He also just had on a T-shirt and jeans with boots. But seriously people, if you looked at his face you would have sworn he had just stepped out of the picture of God painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel...he looked exactly like him! So I started laughing because in my mind, this was God on a motorcycle, which didn't seem to go together at first in my head.

But, if we take a step back, why should that seem like such a weird juxtaposition? If we say that God is with us, that means that He is here, in this world, with all it's good, bad and ugly sides with us. Why would it be so weird to have God riding a motorcycle with you or go to the mall with you, or go to the gym with you. I have no problem thinking this because for me, God going with me is always a comforting truth that I cling to when I travel anywhere (I have a ton of fear issues, haven't I told you?). Perhaps my imaginary friends growing up conditioned me to being accustomed with an invisible being following me around all the time.

However, I have found that this is a hard thing for some people to remember on a daily basis. They think about God being with them and they go, "Wow! That's amazing! I had never thought of that before!" Some people, I've noticed, actually get concerned about God going with them everywhere. I believe is a manifestation of the fear that things they do when nobody else is around are not quite as secret as they thought.

Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of thought here, whether this is old news for you or a disturbing reminder, I hope you remember that God loves you no matter what. One of the best things about God is that you don't have to clean up before you come and meet Him. He already knows everything, you won't shock him. Instead He takes you up and not only spares you from what you deserve (death) but he gives you what you don't deserve (life abundantly). THAT is something worth sharing!

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