Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Me at the finish of my 15K with a couple of my new friends!

So today was my first day of my new job! Everything went pretty smooth. I was asked to get curriculum together just like I used to back in Houston and the rest of the afternoon I made phone calls and had some pretty great conversations with people and prayed with them on the phone. Lets just say my prayer list got WAY longer today! 

While I had a good day, I was surprised to get to the gym and yet feel stressed out! It's not like today was bad. I managed to navigate the train, get my tasks done, had great help from those who knew where things were, didn't forget my lunch, managed to get back on the correct train, run a quick errand and make it to the gym. But while things were a success...that's a ton of new stuff to think about! And while I'm looking at it, it's no wonder I'm feeling stressed out. I'm learning a whole new system that I'm not comfortable with yet. 

This last Sunday I had a 15K trail run. Let me say, I had a blast! I learned a whole bunch and met some great people and was even able to offer support to some of those who were struggling. However, I was surprised at how hard the last part of the race was and that my legs were so sore the next day. Hadn't I trained for this? Was I not prepared enough? 

The truth is, I was prepared. I just had never done a trail race like that before! It was something new! And it stretched me in a good way. 

Sometimes, people who are overachievers like me sometimes get down on ourselves if something seems harder than it should be and we wonder what's wrong with us. But the truth is, there's nothing wrong. It is hard! And we are doing just fine. Hard is what makes us better. If it isn't hard, we probably aren't pushing ourselves to bigger and better things. 

But as I hopped on a stationary bike today, I felt a comfort. I love working out. It makes me feel better. I am familiar with it. And even if it is at a new gym, it's the same motion I know!

God is the same way. No matter what we find ourselves in, where we are, He is the same. He loves us, and will never let us go!

So while on the subject of new...anyone want to try a triathlon with me? :)

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