Monday, April 8, 2013

God's Love

So last night Jared and I had the privilege of attending the Redeemed Gala at the Bayou Music Center! It was amazing and full of tons of people!

One of my favorite parts was definitely the entertainment. An acappela group called Homefree performed. It was AMAZING. I love the show, "The Sing Off" so I was in acappela heaven watching these guys live! You can check them out at the link below!

One song they performed was Josh Turner's "Your Man." One part of the lyrics stuck with me all the way to today. They say:

"I can't believe how much it turns me on
Just to be your man."

I thought this was a weird thing to say at the time.

As Jared and I were in the car most of the day moving stuff for our Garage Sale at church (Advertisement: Raising money for Kids Camp! April 20th!) I had much time to ponder these couple of lines. I don't know what Mr. Turner was thinking when he wrote this song but I thought about it through my situation (a marriage between a man and a women who made a commitment to each other for life, just FYI). As I thought about it that way, I thought about Jared. Out of all the women in the world he chose me! As I thought about that I thought about one of my favorite characters in the Bible, Esther. She, out of all the girls the king could have chosen, was chosen by him. I always thought she would have been scared, yes. But when I think about Jared choosing me, there is this feeling inside of me that I don't know how to describe. The best I can do is say that I feel loved. I feel cherished. I feel special. There's this flutter in my heart, I almost feel weightless and all I want to do is kiss Jared. I imagine Ester may have experienced some of these things even if the marriage was "arranged." After all, she helped save the king when people were plotting to kill Him! But Jared choosing me causes me to love him and want to express it to the world!

Let's take it a bit further. In the Bible is says is 1 Peter 2:4-5, "As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." God chose us because He loves us! Just like my feelings toward Jared, knowing that God chose me and loves me makes me feel that inexplicable feeling again and all I want to do is show the world that I love him the more and more I realize the extent of his love. And this feeling is actually different than the one I have for Jared. When it's God I'm loving, this feeling is greater and deeper and more powerful because God is greater and deeper and more powerful than Jared (sorry babe but you know it's true).

So my hope for everyone else that I meet is that I hope they also realize the depth and the breath of God's love for them. It's one thing to ask him to be your savior; it's another to accept his love and let it infiltrate your life.

The best way I can finish this up is to quote another song that I absolutely love. I don't know the author, but it's called, "The More I Seek You." Think of is as brain candy for your next run!

The more I seek you
The more I find you
The more I find you
The more I love you

I wanna sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hands
Lay back against you and breathe
Feel your heart beat
This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace
It's overwhelming

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