Thursday, November 12, 2015

Gluten Free Running Fuel

So we just finished a great run out at Disney! Next up, my marathon!

It's been interesting over the past few years finding a gluten free running fuel. I can't do gels and the gummies out there are filled with gluten-ous artificial flavors. I started with orange Gatorade and shot blocks. But they started getting to me as I don't think they are 100% gluten free.

This training round I have been using Nuun and Met RX shot blocks.

The Nuun is awesome. It comes in "alkaselzler-like" tablets that effervesce when put in water. The drink is light and doesn't bog me down with a bunch of sugar. Yet I'm able to get good electrolytes and hydration in on my runs. Best part? I can bring the little tube of Nuun with me to use while on the race course. It eliminates me having to carry four water bottles in order to make it through the whole course. I can just refill and keep going at a water stop!
The Mex-RX gummies are delicious! I eat the dark cherry ones. I eat about one for each mile I run and I have been able to get through the miles without too much of an energy drop. No cramping yet after my 18 mile training run! Problem is, these Met RX gummies have been hard to find! I used to be able to buy them at my neighborhood Walmart, but when I went this week, they were gone!

I'm going to have to explore where to find these elusive awesome gummies are. I know you can order them online but what a pain! I know there are other gluten free options out there like sport beans but I don't want to change after I have been training with these for the past five months.

Wish me luck! I feel like a treasure hunter!

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